Percentage of Blacks (African Americans) in Flagstaff, AZ by Zip Code.Census Facts | City of Flagstaff Official Website

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Black population in flagstaff az.Percentage of Blacks (African Americans) in Flagstaff, AZ by Zip Code


Jump to a detailed profile, search site with google or try advanced search. Latest news about races in Flagstaff, AZ collected exclusively by city-data.

Household income for White non-Hispanic householders. Household income for Black householders. Household income for American Indian and Alaska Native householders. Household income for Asian householders. Household income for Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander householders. Household income for Some other race householders. Household income for Two or more races householders. Household income for Hispanic or Latino race householders.

Zip codes: , Use at your own risk. Jump to a detailed profile or search site with. User-defined colors Preset color patterns. Opacity: Opacity. Most recent value. Click to activate map Based on data. Recent posts about races in Flagstaff, Arizona on our local forum with over 2,, registered users:. After Raymond Flemons moved to Flagstaff in the s and married Mamie Westbrook Flemons, the two became prominent African-American leaders in faith who helped build the town in the s up until azdailysun.

September 22 recap: Flagstaff news you may have missed today Local azdailysun com. A Flagstaff ranger strives for diversity in the Great Outdoors News azdailysun com. With the help of Dagmar Galvan, left, a Forest Service Archaeologist, Campos has been working hard to increase Latino participation in the azdailysun. More news from Flagstaff, AZ.

According to data, the most numerous races in Flagstaff, AZ are White alone 47, residents , Hispanic 14, residents , and Black alone 1, residents.

Income and house value in Flagstaff. Median age by race in Flagstaff. House owners and renters - White residents 10, English speakers - Total English speakers - Born in the United States English speakers - Native, born elsewhere English speakers - Foreign-born White Caucasian - Speak only English Native: White Caucasian - Speak another language Native: Black or African American - Speak another language Native: 4. Asian - Speak only English Native: Asian - Speak another language Native: Other race - Speak only English Native: Other race - Speak another language Native: Two or more races - Speak only English Native: Two or more races - Speak another language Native: White alone - Speak only English Native: White alone - Speak another language Native: 4.

Hispanic or Latino - Speak only English Native: Hispanic or Latino - Speak another language Native: Foreign-born residents in Flagstaff. This city: 5. Marital status for residents in Flagstaff. Marital status - White Caucasian population 15 years and over. Males Females Women who gave birth in the past 12 months Now married: Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months Now married: Marital status - Black or African American population 15 years and over.

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months Now married: 4. Marital status - Asian population 15 years and over. Marital status - Other race population 15 years and over. Marital status - Two or more races population 15 years and over.

Women who did not give birth in the past 12 months Now married: 9. Marital status - Hispanic or Latino population 15 years and over. Ancestries in Flagstaff. Geographical mobility in Flagstaff. Children Nativity place of birth in Flagstaff. Children under 6 years - Living with two parents Both parents native 2, Children 6 to 17 years - Living with two parents Both parents native 4, Place of birth for residents in Flagstaff. Grandparents responsible for own grandchildren in Flagstaff.

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Flagstaff Demographics - Get Current Census Data for Flagstaff, AZ


Now you can skip hours of internet research and jump straight to getting answers with our meaningful at-a-glance Demographics by City Report. We know Flagstaff Demographics, just keep scrolling Sources: United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau. Census Bureau, Population Division.

In , the Flagstaff, AZ institution with the largest number of graduating students was Northern Arizona University with 8, degrees awarded. In , 3, men were awarded degrees from institutions in Flagstaff, AZ, which is 0. This chart displays the sex disparity between the institutions in Flagstaff, AZ by degrees awarded. These 5, degrees mean that there were 2. The homeownership rate in Flagstaff, AZ is People in Flagstaff, AZ have an average commute time of Car ownership in Flagstaff, AZ is approximately the same as the national average, with an average of 2 cars per household.

The following charts display, first, the property values in Flagstaff, AZ compared to it's parent and neighbor geographies and, second, owner-occupied housing units distributed between a series of property value buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. In , the median household income of the The following chart displays the households in Flagstaff, AZ distributed between a series of income buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket.

This chart shows the households in Flagstaff, AZ distributed between a series of property tax buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. In , This percentage declined from the previous year's rate of This percentage of owner-occupation is lower than the national average of This chart shows the ownership percentage in Flagstaff, AZ compared it's parent and neighboring geographies. Using averages, employees in Flagstaff, AZ have a shorter commute time Additionally, 1.

The chart below shows how the median household income in Flagstaff, AZ compares to that of it's neighboring and parent geographies. The following chart shows the number of households using each mode of transportation over time, using a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to help better show variations in the smaller means of commuting.

The following chart displays the households in Flagstaff, AZ distributed between a series of car ownership buckets compared to the national averages for each bucket. The largest share of households in Flagstaff, AZ have 2 cars, followed by false.

This is a 3. Primary care physicians in Coconino County, AZ see patients per year on average, which represents a 3. Compare this to dentists who see patients per year, and mental health providers who see patients per year. Comparing across all counties in the state, La Paz County has the highest prevalence of diabetes Additionally, Yuma County has the highest prevalence of adult obesity Primary care physicians in Coconino County, AZ see an average of 1, patients per year. This represents a 3.

The following chart shows how the number of patients seen by primary care physicians has been changing over time in Coconino County, AZ in comparison to its neighboring geographies. In , West Virginia had the highest prevalence of adults with major depressive episode, with 8. The second highest is Arkansas 8. The following map shows the percent of individuals with major depressive episode by state over multiple years. White 1 Population by Place 35 Percentage of the total population.

Count number of whites rank of place out of 24 by percentage whites 1 non-Hispanic. This section compares Flagstaff to the 50 most populous places in Arizona and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with Flagstaff. The least populous of the compared places has a population of 15, Non-White Population by Place 41 Percentage of the total population. Scope: population of Flagstaff, selected other places in Arizona, and entities that contain Flagstaff.

Count number of non-whites rank of place out of 50 by percentage non-white 1 non-Hispanic 2 excluding black and Asian Hispanics. White 1 Population by Place 43 Percentage of the total population. Count number of whites rank of place out of 50 by percentage whites 1 non-Hispanic.

This section compares Flagstaff to the 50 most populous places in the West and to those entities that contain or substantially overlap with Flagstaff. The least populous of the compared places has a population of , Flagstaff Educational Attainment by Race. Flagstaff Earnings by Educational Attainment. Flagstaff Language Flagstaff Poverty by Race Loading Flagstaff Poverty Rate by Education.

Flagstaff Income by Household Type Loading Flagstaff Marital Status. Marriage Rates Flagstaff Married by Age and Sex Loading Flagstaff Marriage The age group where males are most likely to be married is Over 65, while the female age group most likely to be married is Flagstaff Marital Status by Race.

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